Travel Holiday Tuition

We Offer Tuition for International Syllabi

This is the perfect tuition option for globe-trotting families, led by proactive parents who truly value their childrens’ education!

It is undeniable that learning styles and study skills are abilities that are built up over time and reinforced by consistency. Accordingly, during the weeks or months away from learning institutions, most students lose momentum and begin to fall further and further behind the pace of the classroom. This is what we, at Greater Understanding, call a ‘holiday hangover’.

Greater Understanding offers lifestyle-friendly lessons directly from the comfort of your holiday accommodation. We work around your travel itinerary to ensure that you enjoy the peace of mind of improving the academic health of your children whilst truly immersing yourself in the sensational Australian culture. Utilising our online facilities, we also can provide the same peace of mind for Australian families travelling internationally. We will ensure that these students will not only maintain their position within the classroom upon return, but return with higher sense of confidence in the material than before.

We cater our individualised lessons to ensure that the relevant syllabus content is effectively communicated to and retained by your children in the most accessible and practical way possible. You will find that Greater Understanding will become an invaluable contribution to the enjoyment of your vacation.

Make sure that you communicate your interest as far ahead of schedule as possible so that we have the requisite amount of time to organise lesson logistics and can then assist you and your family during your travels. Please feel free to call our Operations Manager on +61423 984 680 or email us at at any time.

Safe Travels!